PC Character Backgrounds 

PC Character Backgrounds

Player: Steve
Character: Arnon Burbristle
Race / Class: Halfling Ranger

You were born to halfling carnival gypsies, who travelled the countryside singing, performing, and entertaining the populace with a variety of shows. Tragically, the entire caravan was wiped out by a band of goblins, who attacked one night while the caravan was traveling between towns. Your father, who used to wow the crowds with his archery skills, slipped a ring on your finger as the goblins descended upon the caravan, and instructed you to sit still as a stone and not make a peep of noise.

You watched as the goblins burst into your tent and slaughtered your mother and father, though not before half a dozen goblins dropped with your father’s arrows thru their necks. You thought for sure the goblins would come after you next, but they didn’t even seem to realize you were there, and they dashed back out into the night to attack other members of the caravan.

You sat and waited, but the goblins were victorious that night; no one came back into your tent until the next morning. A female human ranger, Thenia Silverbrook, somehow sensed you as she investigated the remains of the caravan, and she took you in as her own.

Under her watchful eye, you learned the skills of a ranger, and Thenia nurtured your natural abilities with the bow. The ring which saved you continues to be a prized possesion of yours, and you have learned it renders you invisible upon placing it upon a finger. Your hatred of goblins continues to this day, and you have learned much from Thenia on their fighting tactics and habits. They are your sworn enemy until death.

A week ago, you awoke to find Thenia gone. She had recently begun hinting that the time was soon coming for you to head out on your own, but you were a bit surprised at how quickly that time had arrived. You tracked her footprints to the village of Glimradden, and arrived in the village just in time for the spring festival of planting, which is a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You manage to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. The festive mood of the village is infectious, and soon you have joined in their revelry, signing up for an archery contest.

Player: Scotty
Character: Parvati
Race / Class: Half elf Druid

You have spent all of your life living in a small cottage deep in the woods just north of the village of Glimradden. Your mother and father raised you in a loving household and taught you many things, but chief among their lessons were those pertaining to the plants, animals and the ways of the ancient druids.

It never really dawned on you that neither your mother nor your father appeared to have any elven blood in their veins; in fact, had it not been for the wandering stranger who arrived at your cottage doorstep two weeks ago, you may have remained where you were, tending to the small garden and caring for the animals.

But this strange wanderer did more than share a meal with you; he shattered all you thought you knew about who you are.

“Your parents are not these two folk”, the stranger quietly muttered as he wiped his mouth. Ignoring your shocked look, he continued. “You are a descendent of the Druidic Circle of Kelosia, and it time you begin your training to assume the role of High Priestess.” The stranger turned and faced your foster parents, who stood in the doorway, fighting back tears. “It is time for her to go.”

“Where?” you asked, surprised at how quiet your voice had suddenly become.

“Head to Glimradden first,” the stranger instructed. “Your training will begin there. Seek adventure wherever you may find it, so that you may find knowledge, wisdom and experience.”

You packed your meager belongings and headed off to Glimradden. Around noon on day 2 of the festival, something spooked a team of horses carrying kegs of ale, and no one was able to calm the animals. It appeared that the horses would bolt, and with the streets full of revelers many would be injured. You managed to calm the horses down, and after a short time, ascertained it was the jacket of a local farmer that was spooking the beasts. Upon asking, you learned the jacket was made from the hide of displacer beast. The crowd was amazed at your abilities with the animals. You notice one man, an older, bald gentlemen, pointing you out to a young teenage girl. The three of you make eye contact briefly, but then the team of horses move forward, blocking your line of sight, and when the horses pass, the two are gone.

You think nothing of it until the end of the fetival, when you return to your room and a message is left for you. “Meet us in the private dining hall of the tavern tonight at midnight.” Curious, you decide to attend.

Player: Sandy
Character: Alik
Race / Class: Halfling Rogue

You have no idea who you are.
You do not remember your parents.
You do not remember your life as a child.
You have no idea of where you are, except for the obvious fact that you are in a forest.
You don’t remember how you came to be here.

You examine your clothing, and the gear in your backpack.
The feel of the locpick set is familiar, and you know what each tool is for, but you don’t know how you know what you know.
The dagger in your boot is familiar as well, and your light mace feels at home in your hand.
You remember how to cock and fire your crossbow, but have no idea what the inscription on the side reads.

You know the rumbling feeling in your stomach is hunger, but have no clue when you last ate. Keeping hidden as best you can, you make your way thru the woods.

Eventually, you arrive in the village of Glimradden, just in time for the spring festival of planting, which is a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You managed to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. You pay with money you don’t remember earning. The festive mood of the village is pervasive, but you keep a watchful eye for any dangers, and for any targets, for there will be many pockets to pick in these crowds.

Player: Mary
Character: Aud
Race / Class: Half elf fighter

“Are you sure you don’t want to re-enlist?” The words still echo in your ears as you adjust the your backpack and continue your hike thru the forest. Running away from home and enlisting had seemed like such a good idea at first, but the regimented lifestyle and constant discrimination from his half elven blood eventually became too much to bear. Life in the military offered nothing but death; riches, fame and glory could only be found by setting out on one’s own and dealing with whatever circumstances that fate placed before you.

You always had fond memories of the springtime festival and tournament held annually in the tiny village of Glimradden, and you figured this would be a good place to start on your quest for riches, fame and glory. After all, tournaments would attract other adventurerers- it was the perfect opportunity to fall in with someone who may have an inside track to undiscovered treasure.

You arrive in the village just in time for the spring festival of planting, which is a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. . Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You manage to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. The festive mood of the village is infectious, and soon you have joined in their revelry, signing up for the Swordmaster competition.

Player: Lia
Character: Roldana
Race / Class: Half elf wizard

Your father was elf, your mother human. When you were born, you father was so angered by the fact that you were not a male that he left both you and your mother to fend for yourselves. You only know his name was Derstan because your mother cried his name in her sleep for years afterward.

Eventually, your mother succumbed to her broken heart, and you were left alone. Always having been fascinated with magic, you travelled alone to the capital city of Vespera, seeking admission into one of the schools of magic, where the mysteries of the arcane are unravelled. Although you weren’t the brightest or the most magically inclined, your fierce determination to learn and master the craft brought you into contact with Cedrik Reddagger, an evoker who defied the masters and decided to teach you as his apprentice.

Two weeks ago, Cedrik took you west out of the capital city and into a small village named Glimradden, which was a beehive of activity as it worked to complete the spring planting and prepare for the festival which celebrated the end of the planting. You and Cedrik headed into the woods north of the village, where you camped and Cedrik assisted you in your first ritual; the summoning of your familiar.

After several days, your efforts were rewarded with a small, brown furred weasel. Elated at your success, you and Cedrik celebrated that night with some of Cedrik’s finest wine, which he had brought for just such a success.

The next morning, you awoke to find Cedrik gone. Behind, he left a small wooden case and a note. The note read “You are on your way now to becoming a wizard in your own right. Beware the dark powers and remember that every spell corrupts or cleanses your soul.” The wooden case contained a beautiful glass wand, the tip of which was covered by two entwined serpents.

Eager to begin your career as a wizard, you decide to head back to the village of Glimradden, just outside the forest. You arrive in the village just in time for the spring festival of planting, a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. . Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You manage to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. The festive mood of the village is infectious, and soon you have joined in their revelry.

Player: Tasia
Character: Taesia
Race / Class: Elf Rogue

Your mother and father were members of the Dark Guild, as were your grandparents, and their grandparents. Membership in the Guild was an unspoken family tradition, and you entered into the Guild with the same sense of pride and accomplishment as one who entered a college or university.

But change was in the air. The usual cooperation between the various guilds had been deteriorating for a long time, and an all out war was seemingly unpreventable. You never were much for the political infighting, and your parents seemed to be doing a good job of steering clear of potential confrontation, until the night in the sewers of Vespera.

A week ago, a roundtable discussion had been called for all the high ranking members of each branch of the Thieves’ Guild, and the meeting was to take place in the sewers beneath the capital city of Vespera. You accompanied your parents to the meeting, but due to your low standing in the heirarchy, you weren’t permitted a seat at the roundtable. A snub which ultimately saved your life.

Vespera’s Thieves’ Guild has always been known as one of the strongest unions, with many members to serve as muscle, and many public, high ranking officials comfortably settled in the Guild’s seemingly bottomless pockets. This meeting should have gone off without a hitch; in fact, most of the members present were optimistic that a settlement could be reached.

This night, however, not even the all powerful Vesperan Guild foresaw the bloodshed; strange, dark assassins who struck at the height of the roundtable discussion murdered nearly all of the upper Guild leaders. Less than a handful survived and fled into the night; all the others were riddled with black arrows adorned with red and gold fletching. Your mother slipped a ring off of her finger and pressed it into your trembling hands as she fought to maintain consciousness.

“Our chapter of the Guild is most likely doomed,” she whispered. “You must advance your skills outside of the Guild, for you will not know who you can trust after tonight.” You mother began to convulse as the poison from the assassin’s arrows worked its way to her heart. “Remember, there is no honor among thieves.”

You pack your meager belongings and head off to Glimradden. You arrive in the village just in time for the spring festival of planting, which is a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You manage to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. The festive mood of the village is infectious, and soon you have joined in their revelry, for there will be many pockets to pick in these crowds. You notice one man, an older, bald gentlemen, pointing you out to a young teenage girl. You think nothing of it until the end of the festival, when you return to your room and a message is left for you. “Meet us in the private dining hall of the tavern tonight at midnight.” Curious, you decide to attend.

Player: Jim
Character: Brother James
Race / Class: Half Elf Monk

For as long as you can remember, you have lived within the confines of the Monastic Order of the Brotherhood of the Rose. You have spent hours training, studying, meditating, and theorizing on the fundamential philosophies of life. To your masters, you were no different than any of the other pupils, but your half elven heritage, betrayed by the elven ears and elven eyes, was noticed by all your fellow students, and slowly, one by one, they began to ostracize you from their social circle.

Events came to a head during one of the training tournaments that was held every spring. You were sparring with Julius, one of the more outspoken critics of your heritage, when he failed to pull a punch and landed a solid blow right between your eyes, which brought you to your knees. Julius jeered,

“A real elf would have seen that punch coming a mile away and easily dodged it, and a real human would have be able to take it. Looks like you just a half breed who can’t see a punch or take one.”

A blind rage overcame you, and the two of you traded blows in a furious frenzy that awed the other pupils. Eventually, the masters pulled the two of you apart, bloodied and bruised.

In the disciplinary hearing that followed, you and Julius were expelled from the monastary with the instructions to seek the wisdom to see the error of your ways, the patience to understand the errors of others, and the strength to overcome the dangers that lie between you and the fulfillment of your quest. Julius headed off on his own, blaming you for his expulsion and swearing revenge should the two of you ever meet.

You will not be re-admitted into the monastary until you successfully pass the “Trial of the Fist”, hand to hand combat with the master instructor of the monastary. It will take years of training and experience for you to develop your skills to a level where you could face the trial.

You head southeast from the monastary, and eventually arrive in the village of Glimradden just in time for the spring festival of planting, which is a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. . Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You manage to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. The festive mood of the village is infectious, and soon you have joined in their revelry, signing up to participate in the unarmed fighting contest.

Player: Ross
Character: Rosso, aka Krayardo
Race / Class: Elven Ranger

You will never forget the day you learned of the death of your parents. Although it happened nearly 150 human years ago, it is fresh in your mind, and the pain still aches in your heart.

It was en route to the festival of Lydissia that your parents were waylaid by a band of ettin-troll brigands. Massive, two headed behemoths who had the feared ability to regenerate damage from weapons, they attacked your parents and their traveling companions without fear or mercy. Although they fought bravely, they were no match for the brigands; their remains were found scattered amongst the tree tops, torn limb from limb and half eaten.

Despite the pleadings of your relatives, you swore revenge. You left your elven village and took up with a small band of human rangers who patrolled the northern borders of Vespera. They tought you as if you were one of their own, and soon you became a skilled ranger, sworn enemy to the ettin trolls who ruined the life you could have had.

Your travels have led you to the village of Glimradden, just in time for the spring festival of planting, which is a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You manage to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. The festive mood of the village is infectious, and soon you have joined in their revelry, for there will be many pockets to pick in these crowds. You notice one man, an older, bald gentlemen, pointing you out to a young teenage girl. You think nothing of it until the end of the festival, when you return to your room and a message is left for you. “Meet us in the private dining hall of the tavern tonight at midnight.” Curious, you decide to attend.

Player: Joe
Character Landorian
Race / Class: Human Paladin

Born into a peasant family as the youngest of 2 boys, Landorian discovered he had "gifts" even as a young child. His mother imbued him with a strong sense of religion and morality, while his father, a former soldier, showed him skills with the family weapon - a beautiful sword which carries the name "Justice." His older brother failed to return from an attack on an orc raiding camp and is believed dead. His parents still live in their tiny cottage where Landorian was born.

Your travels have led you to the village of Glimradden, just in time for the spring festival of planting, which is a three day festival held just after the fields have been plowed and sown for the coming year. Tournaments, food, drink, mischief and adventure abound.

You manage to secure a room in the only inn and tavern in the village, The Unicorn’s Horn. The festive mood of the village is infectious, and soon you have joined in their revelry, for there will be many pockets to pick in these crowds. You notice one man, an older, bald gentlemen, pointing you out to a young teenage girl. You think nothing of it until the end of the festival, when you return to your room and a message is left for you. “Meet us in the private dining hall of the tavern tonight at midnight.” Curious, you decide to attend.

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